Earth 2160 Download For Mac

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Earth 2160 Download

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Download the best games on Windows & Mac. A vast selection of titles, DRM-free, with free goodies, and lots of pure customer love. My GOG copy of Earth 2160 will. EARTH 2160 PC Mac Download Maximize. The future of mankind begins when the world ends. After the destruction of the Earth in 2150, the.

Earth 2160 Walkthrough

“This game was quite a disappointment, I loved the...”

Written on: 01/05/2008 by muzzrat (18 reviews written)

This game was quite a disappointment, I loved the previous game and played it through several times but 2160 really doesn't meet up to its predecessors standard. The graphics are good but that's about the best I can say, the missions get quite frustrating / boring early on and some of the factions are plainly superior to others which makes quite an uneven playing field. The customisable units are still a feature but the poor game play and freaky music ruin the game. I do not recommend Earth… Read Full Review

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